
Erlebnisseminar für die ermutigende Mitarbeiterführung
In humorvollen Firmen sind Mitarbeiter gesund und identifizieren sich überdurchschnittlich mit ihrem Arbeitgeber. Es herrscht eine Atmosphäre für kreative Ideen und eine humorvolle Fehlerkultur. Lachende Unternehmen ziehen hervorragende Mitarbeiter an und legen damit die perfekte Basis für eine Top-Performance. Humorvolle, authentische Führungskräfte unterstützen ihre Mitarbeiter in Zeiten des Wandels und in Krisen.
Participants will experience und see,…
- how to create trust and encourage their staff to persist in difficult, dynamic times using positive, social humor.
- how to improve creativity by the stimulation of a humorous, positive change in perspective.
- how beneficial it is for the relationships between collaborators and colleagues if we occasionally manage to take ourselves less seriously.
- how to defuse conflicts by the use of authentic, respectful humor.
- how to establish a positive company culture that allows employees to develop their full potential.
Managers, executives, team leaders, project leaders, personnel developers, management trainees, employees and everybody who wants to learn how to navigate successfully through challenging times of change.
Format: outdoor event à 60 min. e.g. during lunch break, min. 6-8 weeks; once a week
Number of Participants: 8-18 persons
Languages: German or English
Investment: upon request, will be negotiated in a briefing depending on content, duration and number of participants.
We work with various training methods and techniques. I combine practical exercises and theoretical basics to stimulate the individual sense of humor of my customers (e.g. by creativity techniques, physical exercises, real play, discussion, group work, clowning and the rules of humor, body language). The participants will discover a lot about themselves and their own sense of humor. We will have a lot of fun and have the chance to practice a lot.

Humor Training für mehr Energie, Kreativität, Gelassenheit & Freude
Der gezielte, wohldosierte Einsatz diverser Humor-Techniken und -Methoden kann Situationen entschärfen, Menschen motivieren und begeistern. Durch die Anregung des Perspektivenwechseln gewinnen wir Abstand und gelangen zu neuen Lösungen. Eine humorvolle, achtsame Kommunikation verbessert die Interaktion zu Kollegen, Vorgesetzten, Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Lieferanten. Wo zusammen gelacht wird, herrscht mehr Freude und Bereitschaft, sich in hohem Maße zu engagieren.
Participants will experience und see,…
- what impact humor can have on their everyday, professional life.
- how to implement various humor methods and humor tools effectively and mindfully into their life.
- how to release energy and become more creative and flexible by the use of humor.
- how to act more calmly and solution-oriented in difficult situations by activating a humorous change of perspective.
- how to strengthen the team spirit by humorous interventions.
- how to build up their humor potential by practicing and applying several tipps & tricks in their daily interaction at work.
Teams, project teams, employees and all professionals who want to transform their daily working time into precious living time. Anyone who seeks more joy and serenity at work.
Format: outdoor event à 60 min. e.g. during lunch break, min. 6-8 weeks; once a week
Number of Participants: 8-18 persons
Languages: German or English
Investment: upon request, will be negotiated in a briefing depending on content, duration and number of participants.
We work with various training methods and techniques. I combine practical exercises and theoretical basics to stimulate the individual sense of humor of my customers (e.g. by creativity techniques, physical exercises, real play, discussion, group work, clowning and the rules of humor, body language). The participants will discover a lot about themselves and their own sense of humor. We will have a lot of fun and have the chance to practice a lot.

Humor Muscle Training
Humor is a powerful inner resource that can support us during tough times and in our daily interactions. The key of the humor-muscle-training is to stimulate and build up our individual sense of humor during good times. With the help of various methods and techniques we can develop our own humor in accordance with our personality. Thus, little by little, we succeed in retrieving humor in stressful and conflictual situations.
Participants will experience und see,…
- how to activate and strengthen their individual humor-capability.
- how to loosen up rigid behavior patterns with little changes, verbal humor and unexpected actions.
- how to relax their counterpart and defuse situations with the well-portioned and adequate use of humor.
- how to take a step back, reframe and find creative solutions in difficult situations.
- how to reduce stress by applying different hands-on humor tools.
Anyone who wants to reduce the stress levels and improve their quality of professional and daily life.
Format: outdoor event à 60 min. e.g. during lunch break, min. 6-8 weeks; once a week
Number of Participants: 8-18 persons
Languages: German or English
Investment: upon request, will be negotiated in a briefing depending on content, duration and number of participants.
We work with various training methods and techniques. I combine practical exercises and theoretical basics to stimulate the individual sense of humor of my customers (e.g. by creativity techniques, physical exercises, real play, discussion, group work, clowning and the rules of humor, body language). The participants will discover a lot about themselves and their own sense of humor. We will have a lot of fun and have the chance to practice a lot.

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Gerne entwickle ich ein individuelles Konzept für Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Veranstaltung – zielorientiert und passgenau.
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Kirsten Haenle
Trainer - Speaker - Coach
T: +49 172 66 44 660