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Training, Vorträge mit Humor
Training, Vorträge mit Humor

Humor Seminars and Workshops

Experience how a humorous mindset can bring you more ease and success in everyday life. By using humor we come to new solutions in challenging situations. We become more creative and flexible in times of change.
Humor defuses conflicts, fosters teams and prevents stress.
Everyone has their own sense of humor. It can be activated and strengthened. I help my customers to use this valuable resource well portioned, purposeful and in the adequate moment.
Dies vermittele ich durch wirksame Humor Seminare, interaktive Impulsvorträge und Workshops. In Unternehmen, Institutionen, Schulen &  Universitäten und medizinischen Einrichtungen.

VIDEO: Humor surprises - lifts you up - brings lightness: 

Observing life from different angles

In einem humorvollen, respektvollen Ambiente: wird der Perspektivenwechsel angeregt, steigt die Kreativität und verbessern sich Arbeitsabläufe und Leistungen.

Humor Muscle Training

Humor can be reactivated in a playful manner. It can be trained like a muscle.

Cultivating our attitude

Humor is an attitude towards life. It’s not about behaving extremely funny or acting like a comedian.

Enjoying daily work

Managers and employees enjoy getting involved in their jobs if they get the opportunity to laugh at their workplace.

Everything feels easier

Pressure lowers if we don’t have to cover up our mistakes and if we get to smile occasionally about ourselves.

Positive working atmosphere

The working atmosphere improves if companies cultivate humor as an important part of their business culture.

In my humor trainings, webinars and interactive talks you will learn how to discover and strengthen your individual humor capability. You will change your working time into an enjoyable und successful lifetime by the well-directed use of humor.

– Kirsten Haenle

“In a sensitive, amusing way Kirsten introduced us to the delicate topic of humor. She achieved this by telling funny stories and anecdotes, creating verbal humor, showing short videos, practicing interactive games and exercises and experimenting with the clown nose. She also demonstrated the multi-facetted nature of humor. Between the units Kirsten gently encouraged us via WhatsApp messages to use what we learned in our everyday lives."

Barbara Schickl

„In her seminars, Kirsten helped me to identify and relax some of my own rigid behaviors. We can turn a situation around by small modifications, verbal humor and unexpected actions. Whether raising children, in our relationships or at work. With little challenges, pictures, cartoons and Whatsup messages I always found my way back into the humor mode.”

Dr. Christiane Hansen

"I have developed my awareness for humor during the webinars and on-site trainings. I also learned how and in what situations humor can be applied. The multiple, practical exercises have supported me. Kirsten is a unique person and that makes her great at this! Her in-depth knowledge of the subject, her easy going and pleasant character paired with the sincere interest in every participant turned the humor training into a sustainable experience."

Ursula Halfmann

„I really loved your authenticity and sincerity. You motivated the participants to stay on the humor track between each unit by your charming persistence. I really enjoyed listening to you because every unit was prepared beautifully and exceptionally well.
Great atmosphere, wonderful group, efficient schedule, theory & practice in balance. The group work in the breakout rooms were very powerful.“

Dr. Constanze Heinrich

„Kirsten made us aware that it’s possible to master emotionally difficult situations by humor without having to hurt anyone. The seminar brought lightness and showed that adults can turn towards the funny and absurd side of life without regrets. As a highly motivated trainer, Kirsten demonstrated that humor is an attitude. She characterised this visually with the “twinkle in the eye”. With her own personality she succeeded to convince us of the relevance of humor in our everyday (work) life.“

Martin S.

“This was a lot of fun! Thank you!”

“The practical exercises are fun over and over again. I will give it a try, though I’m not sure if I will manage.”

“Your personal stories have been very helpful to understand. Good impulses that I can take along in my everyday life.”
“Gute Impulse, die ich mit in den Alltag nehmen kann.”

“The change of perspective works well while watching the role plays. Good instruction & leadership, good repetition of all webinar contents. I really enjoyed your practical examples during the whole seminar.”

"I really enjoyed your practical examples during the whole seminar.”

“It was always very interesting. You have taught the course contents very well. The warm-ups and energizers were awesome.”

“The work in small groups was constructive and the tipps Kirsten gave us stuck in our brains.”

“Your WhatsApp reminders are very encouraging.”

“It’s always very encouraging to see, that other people have the same daily challenges. And it feels good to look at them in a humorous kind of way.”

“Many thanks, Kirsten, it was outstanding.”

„I wish the session on humour was given earlier to smile from the beginning!“

„Overcoming difficulties by humour“ lecture“ was interactive, humorous and very interesting."

„The session from Mrs Haenle was very interesting."

„Humour session was amazing! Thanks for this unique opportunity!“

Kirsten Haenle, Humor Trainer – with spirit & heart

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Kirsten Haenle
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